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zmhk 2024-05-31
雅思口语体育赛事_雅思口语体育赛事有哪些       对于雅思口语体育赛事的问题,我有一些专业的知识和经验,并且可以为您提供相关的指导和建议。1.求 雅思口语 关于体育明星的 200词以上2.雅思口语话


1.求 雅思口语 关于体育明星的 200词以上

2.雅思口语话题 a sport team

3.用英语描述一场体育比赛 学校的比赛也可以。。 可以演讲2分钟的


求 雅思口语 关于体育明星的 200词以上

       关于刘翔的,也可以用在“名人雕塑”话题上(上海有他的一个雕塑)。Born in the 1980s, Liu Xiang is one of the best athletes in our country. He is good at running and 110 meters hurdles. He is even the most capable hurdler in the world. He keeps the best record of 12.88 seconds until now. No one has the ability to break it so far.

       Among lots of TV programmes, I like the sport games best.

       And the 110 hurdles races are the most exciting games in them. Everytime I see Liu Xiang running in the track, shouting wildly after the races, I find myself is full of passion in my heart. Especially, the moment when he gets the first prize on the stage,I can't help applauding for his excellent performance. I am deeply moved by his spirit and his great ambitions.

       The sports spirit of Liu Xiang also inspires me a lot in my life and study. As a young man, Liu Xiang is the best example of making every effort to develop his sport career and break so many records, though he once got hurt in the training.I think this spirit is worth to learned by all of us.Recently he has return to the Shanghai Golden Grand Prix . With this ambition, we could defeat any difficulties in our lives and works. Affected by his restless soul, I will never give up and insist my ideals.

       As one of his fans, I hope that Liu Xiang could do well in his future career, and win more gold medals for our country. I support him forever in my heart. As for myself, I will work as hard as him to make more progress in my study. 不是我写的,不过我稍微改了改,有了点“时代特色”,毕竟翔哥刚复出,用这个肯定效果不错!!

雅思口语话题 a sport team







       准备母题的过程我们通常叫做大串:围绕一个自己感兴趣的话题将相关问题串联在一起进行准备。如果你喜欢篮球那么与篮球相关的表达:三分 跳投 罚篮这些概念的英文说法一定要会,篮球很有可能成为你雅思口语的主场话题。可以描述相关的网站;描述一个教育性的电视节目:篮球课的节目;描述一位你喜欢的篮球体育明星。按照样的思路从一个一个问题,一个一个句子的串联,到一件一件事,一段一段语句的表达。在这样的过程中你会对大部分的考题点有所覆盖,比如我们常见的?你喜欢的城市?(我喜欢的城市是俄亥俄州阿克伦州,因为我喜欢的球星詹姆斯出生在那里。)、?我印象深刻的一件事?(詹姆斯在某场比赛有着为出色的表现)、?你经历过有趣的事?(有一次篮球比赛,我打赌詹姆斯一定会赢)等等。这部分的在于脑洞大、覆盖广。








       考需要利用一分钟的笔记时间将想要说的迅速想好,是把cue card 上的点都概括进来,因为这些点实际上告诉你要说些什么,怎么说从哪些方面说,其实已经建好了基本的机构。


用英语描述一场体育比赛 学校的比赛也可以。。 可以演讲2分钟的


       China is called “table tennis kingdom”. Apparently, Ping Pang is the most popular sports.


       It depends. It's lovely for an individual to spend time on what he or she prefers to do, but if he or she is too addicted, it might lead to excessive waste of time.


       In 21st century, more people concerns their physical health and when they are free, physical fitness is supposed to be their best choice. So I believe that the corresponding training like aerobics and yoga gets superheated.


       Health is the best treasure (which) a man can possess. Money can do many things, but it cannot buy happiness. However, so long as man has good health, he can enjoy the pleasures of human life.


       In order to insure good health we must pay attention to three things. They are—nourishing food, fresh air and proper exercise.


       Physical fitness and exercise are important for good physical and mental health. Exercise helps a person develop and maintain a strong self-image and a sense of emotional balance. As a person gets older, exercise becomes more important because after age 30 the heart's blood pumping capacity declines at a rate of about 8 percent each decade.

       Exercise is also important for children. Vigorous physical activity helps a child's overall development. Research shows that exercise can reduce the gathering of cholesterol on artery walls of children and adults. Too much cholesterol can increase the risk of heart disease. There is, however, no evidence that exercise prolongs life. Former athletes do not live longer than nonathletes, nor are they saved from heart disease. The benefits of exercise cannot be kept for more than a few months or years without continued exercise. Even Olympic-level athletes will go back rapidly to pre-training levels once they stop exercise. The amount of activity necessary for fitness varies from person to person. Age, physical structure, health, and gender are important factors.


       Soccer becomes part of European culture.

       To meet the fans in the stands at football games across Europe.

       They wear face paint, shout at the teams they love or hate and go crazy when talking about the players they think truly stink.

       In Europe, soccer has so long a history that it has become part of the culture. But each European country has its own “football culture”.

       Britain: British football is not necessarily the best in the world, but its football marketing is no doubt the most successful of all European counties.

       The English Premier League draws global television audiences, and Michael Owen and David Beckham have become worldwide superstars.

       Part of the reason comes from Briton's love of the sports.

       Many British football fans enjoy gathering in pubs to talk about their favorite teams and players and to watch games together.

       The Winchester Hall Tavern in London is one of the most famous football pubs in Britain. The large old Victorian pub is equipped with five TVs and a big screen. It's so large that it never gets packed.

       Partly due to the excessive drinking in the pubs, Britain also produces some infamous hooligans, who have become an increasing headache for police offices in Europe.

       Germany: According to 1996 report to the European parliament, German fans tend to come from the middle class of society, and can be divided into three broad types.

       A Wonderful Football Match

       Our class had a football match against Class 2 last week.That was really an exciting one.

        The match was on from 9:00 to 10:00 in the morning.It was 8:45 and ten plays from the two classes showed up in the field.The clock read 9:00,"Go!"as the judge shouted,the match began.The ball travelled from one player to another.All players tried theri best.Suddenly,Tom,who was regarded as the top footballer in our class,got the ball.He hit it with his two feet skillfuly.The ball was near the gate in a flash.Tom gave it a sudden hit.“Great!”Tom scored a goal.
